If I had a neighbor like that living in my apartment, I would give her a daily cunny, too. And I would invite my friends over to fuck her. She had such a beautiful pussy that my tongue would be drawn to it. Of course, she liked that kind of cock, so she didn't mind spreading her legs. I wouldn't have been surprised even if he had cum in her mouth - girls like that like to be used as bitches. That was a good morning!
Vulgar slut with a pimply ass and an impossibly fucked up front. Personally, I like to fuck sluts, too, and I fuck them with a condom. But kissing her labia? The man is clearly wrong! He'd rather put his dick in her anus! I don't mind mutual oral caresses, but you have to be more careful when choosing ladies. And vulgar, slutty ladies are only good enough to give them in the mouth and to fuck them well, always with a condom!
Oh I want to fuck her